The staff of IMDiversity, Inc. wishes to call our visitors' attention to an important series of events here in our hometown -- from August 27-September 1 -- commemorating the anniversaries of the hurricanes that struck our region two years ago. A variety of events -- from large gatherings and vigils to scholarly panel discussions to policy roundtables to volunteer drives -- will be held in our city surrounding the anniversary.
We join our neighbors, and business and media colleagues in inviting concerned citizens to consider visiting us, whether in person or virtually, to participate in the August 29th DAY OF PRESENCE and other events throughout the week, and consider volunteering in some way to help in the ongoing and needed restoration of our city and region.
We will be posting additional information about events and actions on our sites, as well as on our network of blogs, with the most current information that comes our way being posted on an ongoing basis at our BLACK COLLEGIAN @ Blogspot blog.
Meanwhile, we encourage interested readers to view this release by Susan L. Taylor, ESSENCE Editorial Director, discussing the planning for one New Orleans gathering, as well as Vincent Sylvain's African-American Leadership Project (AALP) Announces Schedule of Activities to Commemorate Hurricane Katrina, listing details of additional events.